Looking for an instant and accurate way to distribute the latest policy-related information to your agency partners? You’re in the right place. Ivans Download™ automates the exchange of individual information requests via a single end-to-end application that provides you connectivity to your agency distribution channel. That means the most up-to-date information is available from underwriting through to servicing where your retail agency partners need it – directly in their management systems.
Key Benefits
Commercial Lines
Policies available for Commercial Lines download include Agriculture Package, Auto, Business Owners Policy (BOP), Crime, General Liability, Inland Marine, Package, Property, Umbrella and Worker’s Compensation.
eDocs & Messages
Instantly send policy-related information, including surety documents, benefits documents and dec pages directly to your agency partners.
Direct Bill Commission Statement (DBCS)
With Direct Bills Commission Statement, you help your agency partners automate the commission process to ensure commissions are properly reconciled each month and improve data accuracy.
Personal Lines
Policies available for Personal Lines download include Auto, Dwelling Fire, Flood, Homeowners, Inland Marine, Mobile Home Package, Umbrella, and Watercraft.
Securely transmit claims adjustments, settlement information and incoming claims to provide your agency partners with the critical claim details they need to service clients quickly and effectively in their time of need.
Ready to Learn More?
Ivans is ready to provide your business the advanced insurance software and solutions to digitally distribute and service products in new ways.